




Tales of Arise – Pre-Order Bonus Pack

Tales of Arise – Premium Item Pack

Tales of Arise – Premium Costume Pack

Tales of Arise – +5 Level Up 1

Tales of Arise – +5 Level Up 2

Tales of Arise – +5 Level Up 3

Tales of Arise – +5 Level Up 4

Tales of Arise – +10 Level Up 1

Tales of Arise – +10 Level Up 2

Tales of Arise – Beach Time Triple Pack (Male)

Tales of Arise – Beach Time Triple Pack (Female)

Tales of Arise – School Life Triple Pack (Male)

Tales of Arise – School Life Triple Pack (Female)

Tales of Arise – Warring States Outfits Triple Pack (Male)

Tales of Arise – Warring States Outfits Triple Pack (Female)

Tales of Arise – Starter Pack

Tales of Arise – Relief Support Pack

Tales of Arise – Growth Boost Pack

Tales of Arise – Premium Travel Pack

Tales of Arise – Tales of Series Battle BGM Pack

Tales of Arise – Hootle Attachment Pack

Tales of Arise – SAO Collaboration Pack

Tales of Arise – Collaboration Costume Pack

Tales of Arise – 100,000 Gald 1

Tales of Arise – 100,000 Gald 2

Tales of Arise – 100,000 Gald 3

Tales of Arise – 100,000 Gald 4

Tales of Arise – Beyond the Dawn Expansion(新增)

Tales of Arise – Classic Characters Costume & Arranged BGM Pack

Tales of Arise – Elegant Costume Pack



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